Week of 02/12/2021
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Chinese New Year Cerlebration

  Year of Ox   灣谷中文學校線上春節聯歡來囉!

Here comes BVCS' Year of the Golden Ox Virtual Celebration
this Friday at 6:45 pm
Noya Lee, our Mistress of Ceremony, is standing by to welcome you to the festivities!

  線上晚會連結 Below is the Zoom link for the Virtual Celebration :
  Time: Feb 12, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
  Join Zoom Meeting
  Meeting ID: 865 7708 4030
  Passcode: BVCS212

農曆春節已成為全球華人最隆重的傳統佳節, 世界上有許多個國家和地區都把春節訂為法定假日。在歐美國家春節也日益受到重視,融合當地習俗風格舉辦著各種慶賀新春活動,最常見的有遊行、街會、花市、選美和春酒宴會等,總是以除舊佈新、拜神祭祖、納福祈年為主要內容,凝聚著中華傳統文化精華。春節裡互道吉祥話語表達人們的願望,家人朋友間傳送新年賀語聯繫感情,張貼春聯剪紙寓意迎春接福,紅包發送傳遞關愛與鼓勵!

Lunar New Year has been predominantly celebrated by Chinese all over the world and widely proclaimed as a statutory holiday by many countries and territories. The Spring Festival has been gaining significance and recognition in Europe and America. Incorporating with local customs, people host a myriad of festivities. Among some of the common community events are parades, street fairs, flower markets, beauty pageants and spring banquets. No matter whether it is reflecting on the past and celebrating the new beginnings, or honoring ancestors and praying for prosperity, all those rituals and customs embody the essence of Chinese traditions and culture. It is a time for families and friends to exchange auspicious messages, express hopeful wishes on the hanging red banners, and send inspiring encouragement encased in red envelopes.


Our 2021 Golden Ox Celebration assembles a series of interactive and captivating activities, including Chinese paper cutting, Beijing Opera, Chinese martial arts, poetry recitation, Chinese bun making, and dance along. Everyone has a fair chance to partake in the program. People who are interested in paper cutting should print out ahead of time the template (see attached at the bottom). For those who would like to make the red bean bun with Teacher Kong, you may consider using playdough in lieu of baking flour.


  Wheel of Fortune   還有紅包大抽獎,有小額紅包30個,及晚會結束前,將抽出更多大額禮物卡。

New Year celebration is considered incomplete without giving out red envelopes. This year, the digital wheel of fortune will do the work of drawing the lucky winners. 30 cash red envelopes will be drawn through out the program with many more gift cards in handsome amount to pass out at the finale.

學校特別加開線上座位,敬請分享晚會的Zoom Code邀請您的親朋好友一起來過年。在爆竹聲中送走新冠病毒籠罩下的陰霾,迎接“牛氣沖天”的金牛年!節目單在附件。

In order to accommodate as many attendees as possible, additional virtual seats have been installed. Come one and come all! You are more than welcome to invite your friends and families to join the celebration and share with them our Zoom Code. Let's fend off coronavirus by ushering in the Golden Ox. The event program is attached at the bottom of this newsletter.

Wish all our students,teachers and staff an Ox-picious Year!
May all your wishes be fulfilled!
May the Incredi-Bull bring you fortune and happiness!


Look What's Happening!

報名參加詩歌朗讀比賽的學生,近日內將會收到參賽訊息和 Zoom Code,敬請留意教務主任 Tiffany Yao 的電郵通知。
Link to the Repertoire of poems: 題庫連結

Read Aloud Contest: 2/19/2021
Students who have registered for the Read Aloud Contest would be receiving contest details and the Zoom code within a few days. Please keep an eye out for the email from our Academic Director, Tiffany Yao.
Repertoire of poems


Important Dates:

February 12 Chinese New Year Celebration
February 19 No School / Virtual Read Aloud Contest (for participants)

校外活動 Off-Campus Activity :

The Association of Northern California Chinese Schools is extending its invitation to all friends and families around the world to join their Chinese New Year Celebrations online via Zoom.
美西時間: 2021-2-14,週日,2:00pm-4:00pm
Pacific Time: 2021/2/14 (Sunday), 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
ID: 916 3066 4057
Passcode: NEWYEAR


Year of Ox

Year of Ox Celebration Program

  Ox   牛年剪紙所需材料 Materials to gather before the Chinese Paper Cutting workshop on February 12, 2021:
  1. 剪紙模板: Print out of the ox template below or pdf file
  2. 顏色紙:A piece of paper (preferably colored and thin), or gift wrapping paper (greater than or equal to the same size of template)
  3. 小剪刀: A pair of scissors (preferably small size)
  4. 迴紋針: Two or three paper clips

Ox Ox

Check out the BVCS photo album!